After two weeks of sloughing off, I'm back on track.....for the most part. I'm back down a half pound this week and I've been doing more of the things I'm supposed to: exercising, eating smaller meals, limiting wheat/sugar, no eating after nine, and drinking water. I lost my ipod for a few days, but now that's it's been found again, I plan to listen to my Slimpod more. The Slimpod reminds me to move more and eat less, and Trevor's voice tends to pop into my head when I need to make these choices.
The thing about adopting a new lifestyle is that there is plenty of slipping and sliding. Rather than beating myself up over it, I move forward, remembering that I'm human (VERY human!). I'll make mistakes. I don't look at my two week backslide as a failure on my part -- just a slight detour.
I can redirect any time.....even in the middle of the day. All I have to do is shift my choices toward the positive end of the bar. Even if I had a huge stack of pancakes for breakfast (definitely not on my list of healthy breakfasts), I don't think, "Well, I've already blown it......guess I'll start again on Monday (the ubiquitous diet-starting-day!)." I can make a better choice at lunch and dinner.
Any lifestyle changes need to be practiced.....over and over and over again, especially if you're like me, and lack strict discipline and consistency! As you know (if you've been reading for awhile) I'm a recovering alcoholic and, in many ways, it's been easier to stop drinking than trying to lose weight. I don't have to choose between beer and wine, or scotch and gin. I don't have ANY of it. But this new lifestyle is different. I have to make choices every time I want to put something in my mouth or decide how/if I'm going to move my body. I have to look at the clock in the evening if I'm hungry and decide if I want to eat after nine.
It's a constant matter of choosing to do/eat/drink the right thing, and it's something I have to practice over and over. It also helps to have the right stuff on hand, so that making the choices is easier. Which reminds me.....I need to go to the grocery store! More celery! More hummus! Woohooooo!!
Have you had trouble with your choices? Do you want to give up after a bad one or do you move forward to the next good one?
Have you been there?
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Yes! I've been there, Claire!