Thursday, July 19, 2012

I'm Shining!

Honey-sweet Miss Apis Mellifera has nominated me for the Sunshine Award! Woohooooo! For those of you who are entomologically challenged, apis mellifera is the scientific name for honey bees. Her site is chock full of interesting tidbits about beekeeping and aromatherapy. Thank you, Emma!!

This is now my charge:
  1. Thank the person who gave you the award.
  2. Answer questions about yourself, which seem to vary – let’s keep a little mystery!
  3. Nominate 10 bloggers for the award and let them know they’ve received it.
Favorite color: blue and purple (it's my post....I can have two!)
Favorite number: birth date (yes, it IS all about me)
Favorite non-alcoholic drink: Diet Dr. Pepper or my morning coffee
Facebook or Twitter: Facebook
My passions: writing (duh), riding my motorcycle (duh)
Getting or giving presents: giving!!
Favorite pattern: I have no idea what this means. Plaid? Or maybe the crap I do over and over again expecting different results......
Favorite day of the week: Every day is a good day!
Favorite flower: Anything pungent (in a good way)

My Sunshiney nominees:
1. I adore Lauren's blog Filing Jointly Finally. We are BFF's (sorry, Vanessa) and co-owners of a dead pony.
2. Amy Palko is equally amazing but in a different way. She is a wise, gentle soul who can tell you any and every thing about Goddesses.
3. Linda over at Sharing Thanks is all about expressing gratitude, so her blog is right down my alley.
4. Another uplifting blog is Life Heart and Soul. Dorothy is full of insight so check her out!
5. I've just finished Jess Morrow's amazing Invincible Summer writing course. She is doing another one very shortly (TOMORROW! hint, hint) but she has lot of other offerings on her site.
6. Suzysomething Thinks Out Loud is a wonderfully positive blog.
7. You should check out Hogs Ate My Sister because, in their words, it will make you "taller, slimmer, better looking and fabulously wealthy." I think I've grown an inch since I started reading it.
8. You can find an awesome Aussie blog at The Emerging Dark Horse. Sonya is a biker sister!
9. Patti over at Sustaining Hope is all about spreading kindness -- gotta love that!
10. Finally, for your listening pleasure (yes, listening) there's Guapola who includes a song with every post -- for FREE!

So there you have it! Check out my lovely nominator as well as all of my nominees. Support each other and have a sunshiney day!

Have you gotten a Sunshine Award? Share the love!

Have you been there?


  1. Nope!  Never been awarded anything since elementary school.  But... CONGRATS! to you and your sunny achievement. Wooo-Hooo!

  2. Pamela -- I bestow upon you the First Comment of the Post Award!!  Wooohooooo back! lol

  3. Congrats to you!  You deserve it.  And thanks for the nomination!  It's a pleasure to come here and a pleasure to be nominated as well.  :)

  4. It was so kind of you to think of me.  Congratulations on your book!!!!!!!  That is so great.

    A well deserved (and well received awards!

    One of the nicest things about these is all the ridiculously cool bloggers I find out about from these acceptances!
    Thanks so much, and rock on, Claire!

    And now to check out all the sites you've listed...

  6. Congratulations on your well deserved Sunshine Award! Thanks so much for nominating me and introducing more readers to my blog! You made my day!

    Linda Davidson

  7. Felicitations on your Sunshine Award! And muchas gracias!  (please bear with me, French is my second language)  Thank you ever so much for nominating me and letting others know about my blog!


Yes! I've been there, Claire!