My phone alerts me constantly that my yahoo login failed and it can't sync my mail. I don't have a problem with that because I switched to gmail, so the yahoo account is mostly spam. but I hang onto it because every now and then something important slips through.
Unfortunately, that's not all that's out of sync.
The Husband has been using my laptop because his is in the shop. The dogs jumped on it and knocked off the Q and A. And there's always a need for Q and A. I have a wireless keyboard for my iPad but I really prefer to write on my laptop. I tend to write in bed or in my recliner (which I'm sure is terrible for my neck, so don't tell my chiropractor) and the laptop provides more stability in those venues. Which means I haven't been writing much.
My schedule is out of sync too. We love The Princess and are so glad she's with us, but I'm somewhat out of practice carting a non-driver around. It's been over four years since I've found that necessary, and at least two years since it's just been the two of us. Not complaining, it's just....different. And we have a couple of Princess-related issues up in the air (paperwork for the most part) before we can make some decisions about this summer, which puts me smack dab in the middle of Limbo-land, which is definitely a sync-less spot.
Emotionally, things have been a little weird lately as well. There was a death in the family (the fourth out of five siblings on my mother's side), and I've made a concerted effort to go through old papers and letters that my father left behind. This process has been interesting and enlightening. It seems that my father did some creative writing and worked on a post-apocalyptic story. He never mentioned any of this to me, even though we talked often about my writing. I wonder why he didn't pursue it, and I want to talk to him about it. I haven't read it all thoroughly yet, but I intend to hang onto it.
All in all, life is a little funkadelic. It's not bad....or good. It just is. And it will pass.
Have you been out of sync with your work or your life? How did you get back in sync?
Have you been there?
Belated condolences...regardless of how many degrees of separation you have, any family death is difficult. I understand where you are coming from regarding your father's writing. My mother religiously kept a daybook....for nearly 60 years. When she died I wanted to read what she'd written, hoping to gain some insight to her thoughts. In every single book all she had written, on every day of that year, was what the weather was and if they'd had guests, what she'd served. Since I don't remember her ever being happy, I had really hoped to find out why she was always so sad. I was so very disappointed that she'd included nothing personal. Yes, I have definitely been there.
ReplyDeleteYes, I've been out of sync - since perimenopause to be exact. *LOL* Ride it out kiddo... it too shall pass. These little blips in the road ensure we stay alert, stimulated. Although another form of stimulation is preferable and so XXX rated too. Enough say... right. *LOL*
ReplyDeleteYou've probaly seen this on a card or sign before but i have this taped to my laptop: Everyone wants happiness. No one wants pain. But you cant have a Rainbow without a little rain. Hang in there girlie and i recommend jumping on your bike and getting some of the road therapy , wind in your hair. That always helps!
ReplyDeletecondolences - losing family is never easy, and going back to chauffer-land is a challenge!
ReplyDeleteOut, most definitely out of sync. my whole schedule for the next couple weeks is all thrown off by my guy's medical procedure in the next couple days, and even though it's theoretically not a big deal it raises the ghosts of his heart attack several years ago and all that carries with it. It gets better. It's just challenging right now.
Big hugs to you, Ayshela (and what a lovely name!). I hope the next two weeks are as smooooth as glass. Don't forget to take care of you during the stress!
ReplyDeleteHolli -- that is EXACTLY what I need! YES!!
ReplyDeleteYes ma'am! lol
ReplyDeleteThank you, Suzy. :) I'm sorry you were disappointed by the diary. Daddy wrote lots of notes on lots of scraps of paper. And he kept EV. REY. THING. So this short story or whatever he was working on could have been written in the 50's. I found his grandfather's passport, for cryin' out loud (and Daddy was 95 when he died last year). My hope/plan is to read through all of it.....eventually. Thanks for coming by!
ReplyDeleteI'm also sorry to hear about your death in the family.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, I've definitely been feeling out of sync recently. I'm really blessed with my life, family & work, but have been feeling tired, under the weather & bleh for some weeks now. Fingers crossed, things are on the change after joining the Business Goddess e-course, drinking more water & generally being kinder to myself :)
Claire I always find the best way to re-sync with yourself is by getting back to nature walk outside take you laptop and blog outside get your bare feet into mother earth and re-ground yourself spend sometime in self care mode do something special just for yourself have a manicure, get a massage be gentle with yourself
ReplyDeleteIn the movies and on TV, when the doctors get out the electric de-fibrillator pads and apply them to the patient's chest, they're actually trying to STOP the heart. What happens (from my sketchy First Aid knowledge & elementary Biology) is that the patient's heartbeat is completely out of sync. With the electric shock the heart momentarily stops...then (hopefully) rights itself and resumes a normal beat.
ReplyDeleteOK, so what I'm basically saying is this: when things get out of sync, take a break and then resume. You might find yourself correcting automatically. Hope you get back in alignment OK. :)
The Husband should get his laptop back today which helps immensely! But I'm pretty much back on track. Thanks for the heart image -- very cool!
ReplyDeleteI love getting out in nature, Elisa, and it really does help. So does my motorcycle! And I have a pedicure on my schedule today. All is well!
ReplyDeleteHi Anita! I found you on the Goddess site and added you as a friend. Wooohooooo! I hope the course helps you re-sync! So glad you're being kinder to yourself -- it's sooooo important.