Sadly, he wasn't the one who had a difficult time tonight. I started out well -- one stroke under. He caught up and we were even throughout most of the nine holes. Until the last one.....
I grabbed my disc, certain I would surpass him on this, the final hole. I was confident, secure in my abilities, and ready to kick some ass! I threw.....it was beautiful.....it headed toward the pin......and right over the side of that motherfucking mountain.
Maybe I can magically throw it up over the side of the mountain and into the basket. Sure I can! That's the ticket!
Shaking off this disastrous turn of affairs, I picked up my disc and THREW! And I threw AGAIN! (By this time, The Husband is laughing hysterically.....naturally.) And AGAIN! I couldn't get that disc up over that hill to save my soul. The Husband is now turning purple from laughter.
Finally, another throw or two later, I made it! Glory hallelujah! Until it slid on the ice back over the side......
My avatar fell to the ground in ignominy and disgrace. I felt her pain.
The Husband laughed so hard is cheeks hurt. I asked (with hope and great interest) if it was painful. "Very," he said.
*sigh* The only bright star in my dark night........
Have you been in a competition of dire importance, and everything went wrong?
Have you been there?
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Yes! I've been there, Claire!